Change DNS Ubuntu server

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A lot of Linux’ users need to change DNS Ubuntu server in order to surf the Internet with high speed. As we know that China is one of the countries faces a big problem to access some social networking sites like Facebook, and Twitter. People there resort to use either OpenDNS or GoogleDNS so that they can change DNS Ubuntu server and bypass blocking.

How to change DNS Ubuntu server

There are many different ways you can use to change DNS Ubuntu server; you can do it directly from the Network Manager settings.

Go to NetworkManager applet, right click on it,and select “Edit connections”. The window of the Network settings will appear. On that window, select the network you are using and from the side press on the “Edit” button.Another window will appear and includes four tabs; tap on the IPv4 tab.

Under this tab, for the method; choose “Automatic (DHCP) addresses only” option.In the DNS server’s field, type the DNS servers you prefer. These are the most used and popular DNS servers; according to OpenDNS you can type (, and according to Google DNS you can type (, Then check the box “Require IPv4 addressing for this connection to complete”. When you finished this changes, click Save. Then the NetworkManager will automatically restart. After few minutes you can surf the Internet with the new DNS server you typed.

Other method to change DNS Ubuntu server

There is an easy method you can use to change DNS Ubuntu server; just you will add the DNS servers you want to access into the file resolv.conf. Pay attention; when the network restarts, this file will turn back into the default mood without any changes you did before so you will have to edit the file whenever you restart your PC.

Here are the commands you will use to edit DNS (NS1/NS2) server:

sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

Add/modify your ISP nameserver:





Save the file. And test with nslookup or digg command:




If you are using Gnome desktop; type command:

network-admin or sudo network-admin.

By these two ways you can change DNS Ubuntu server easily.